From all of mine to you and yours. Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
It's all about the bag!
Friday, December 16, 2011
Winner! My Memories Software Giveaway!
Congratulations Jes Mack!
You are the winner of the My Memories Free Software Giveaway!
Please email me as for download instructions!
Thanks everyone, Check back soon for exciting Christmas Crafts!
Friday, December 2, 2011
My Memories Suite Giveaway!
Everyone knows I love making things for my family and that I also love taking pictures of everything.
However, I hate srapbooking. I've tried, my son's baby book is currently in a box, incomplete, he's 15 months old. I love the idea of scrapbooking. I go to the store, I buy a book and fun paper, I print out all of the super cute pictures. Then nothing. All I end up accomplishing is making a huge mess and having to clean up so I can make dinner.
Well, I have found the answer to my scrapbooking nightmares. No mess, no clean up, and no need to stress out. I can create and walk away! I also have great news for one lucky reader!
Award winning scrapbook software creators My Memories have offered one lucky reader a FREE My Memories Suite Package! My Memories Suite is rated #1 by amazon and TopTen Reviews for digital scrapbooking software and a $40 value. Also as janiegirlcrafts followers you have your very own Share the Memories code that provides a $10 discount off the purchase of the My Memories Suite Scrapbook software and a $10 coupon for the store - $20 value! Just enter STMMS4155 (case sensitive) at checkout!
I wanted to take a minute and share the little album I started for my family. This year we are having a "Homemade Christmas", this album will fit in perfectly. I also plan to create our Holiday Card with this software, so keep an eye out.
I was amazed at how easy this software is to operate. It uses the same shortcut commands as other software, such as Microsoft Word. For example I am accustomed to using [CTRL Z] to undo the last action. Guess what, I didn't have to retrain my brain, everything was second nature. This software even offers autocorrect for those sloppy typers, like myself.
In order to enter the giveaway you must first follow this blog: janiegirlcrafts
Then go ahead and check out My Memories Website and choose your favorite digital paper pack or layout, then comment on my blog telling you which ones you love.
For extra entries to the contest feel free to comment, like, tweet, or follow any of the My Memories links below.
Post a comment on this blog for each additional entry.
Contest winner will be selected
December 16, 2011
Good Luck!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Starting a new Tradition!
The week or so before Thanksgiving I was asked to make a custom Christmas Bag for a little girl. Her mother had seen my Reversible Santa Sack on Etsy, and wanted to make something special for her little one. After discussing fabric styles and sharing a few examples we decided on a style and I started sewing. I finished up yesterday and loved it so much, and have enough fabric leftover, that I have decided to add them to my shop selection this year. If you are interested in this or a similar item, check out the info on this Christmas Bag!
I think I will make Max his very own bag as well, one bag filled with all of his toys. I think these are great addition to our family's Holiday traditions. Oh and as a bonus to me, I won't have to pick up a bunch or wrapping paper this year.
Maybe I'll make one for Charlie as well?
Monday, November 28, 2011
A cute little girl in cute little skirts!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
What ever happened to Thanksgiving?
I am usually that person who is first to comment on the Arrival of Seasonal Christmas items before Halloween. Well I am not that bad; I did however skip Thanksgiving!
I love using our Santa Sack. We travel from Connecticut to Maine to Iowa every Christmas and I always end up misplacing a present. A few years ago I discovered a ripstop Santa sack for a dollar. It was great! It didn't last very long. So I had the idea, so last year as I wrapped presents I threw them into the appropriate Families sack and no need to remember so I forgot about them. When it was time to leave, we threw the sack in the backseat and drove away. It's going to be fun this year, now that the kids in the family are a bit older, having the Santa Sack Magically appear under the tree on Christmas Morning. Just like Santa left it for them.
I have been hit with inspiration, funny how it happens. Maybe it was all the mid day viewings of The Nightmare Before Christmas while sewing Halloween Costumes.
I am so excited to announce Christmas Items are now available in my shop.
I think the items I am most excited about feature this Candy Cane Fabric. So, Monday I ran out of fleece after making some new hats, so I ran out to the store and found the striped candy cane fabric and I had the idea to make a twirly skirt. I've never really made skirts before, since I have a boy. I guess I tried to make a tutu skirt for my niece Lila, it isn't so much a tutu as a ballet wrap. I didn't even think about gathering last time. I'm not sure why these skirts became so important. I guess I was ready to learn something new, and run with it. I had the idea of little girls going out to sing Christmas Carols or Sit on Santa's lap.
I love the movie All I Want for Christmas. For anyone not familiar with the movie is stars a little Thora Birch, she is such a lady, I envision this as she walks to Macy's to see Santa in her Patton leather shoes. Well, I absolutely love this selection. That paired with Santa's Little Helper Costume, with Matching Santa Sack.
So, I started with a drop waist Red Tutu, that turned into a Santa Costume. Then I had the urge to make an Elf Costume. So I made this reversible green with White polka dot wrap skirt, with Tulle/ Cotton.
I still have a few ideas, but it's time to move onto filling some orders. I have a lot of knitting ahead of me this season. Let's just say I'm getting behind. Oh well, I love these projects and I'm pretty sure my nieces will be getting one or two skirts for Christmas this year.
Don't worry about Max, he'll have plenty of presents, however the urge to throw a skirt on him to take pictures on a live body is huge. Well, I'll see my nieces in the next few weeks so updated photos coming soon!
Check Back!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Halloween Re-Hash
So, If you hadn't guessed Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Today I took down the last of the decorations. We hosted a small get together on Halloween. I didn't get pictures of the entire set up, but I thought I would share some fun things I found.
Lets start with the Tricks! Decorations!
Lets start with the Tricks! Decorations!
I had a lot of fun with some old ideas! I made a Happy Halloween Banner, similar to the one I made for my son's first birthday, it was so quick and easy. Then i found a few sheets of black construction paper and cut bats of all different sizes. I just taped them all over, the different sizes had the perfect effect. I hung one of my Balloon Mobiles in the corner, it blended in well with the hanging fans i found at the party store when I was looking for a witches hat for my costume.
My favorite decorations where these pre-printed adhesive stickers I found. These were so simple, I had some Ball jars that I use for storing applesauce and jams during the winter. Paired with some bottles from the recycling bin and I had perfect and easy decorations. Another of my favorites is straight from my childhood. I purchased dumdums as treats, and just like my first grade teacher taught me, I rapped them in tissue and drew faces. Add some ribbon and ghosties flew thought the air.
Now it's time for treats!
Growing up my mom went all out for Halloween! Why would my house be different. We had selections of toys and candy, I'm a bit of a traditionalists, so Hershey's bars and Reese's Peanut butter cups were paired with bags of Domino's and playdoh. It was so fun to see kids trying to pick what they wanted!
I even had a few extra toys for the kids at the party, however I think some of the dads had more fun with these goodies.
No party would be complete without cupcakes. This year I took all the glop from the pumpkins and turned them into Pumpkin Cupcakes, paired with No-Bake Spiderweb cheesecakes. The party was a success.
I can't wait till next year!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Speaking of Firsts!
All of the success from my paper lantern mobiles is all in thanks to my son, for inspiration.
When I was about 8 months pregnant the nesting bug hit me hard. I wanted to make this safe little spot for my little boy. I ordered a few paper lanterns and cables and threw together a lantern mobile. There were some glitches, but it was unique, just like my little guy. After a couple of months visitors would stop by and comment on my mobile. When I said I had made it, their ears perked up. It just so happens a friend of mine was expecting her own little boy. So I made a custom mobile in just the right colors to match her nursery. Low and behold I threw some pictures up on Etsy. I had just started a store front selling knit cupcake hats. Well, 3 months later I had my first mobile order, not to a friend, a complete stranger!
I decided to make up some new designs and add some colors, and the orders kept rolling in. I now offer a variety of designs, colors, and options, ie lit or non-lit. I am currently participating in my first lantern mobile giveaway and I have several new designs to reveal in the next few months.
All thanks to Max and his first bedroom: This room became my sanctuary, we played and laughed, and he started to grow up.
When I was about 8 months pregnant the nesting bug hit me hard. I wanted to make this safe little spot for my little boy. I ordered a few paper lanterns and cables and threw together a lantern mobile. There were some glitches, but it was unique, just like my little guy. After a couple of months visitors would stop by and comment on my mobile. When I said I had made it, their ears perked up. It just so happens a friend of mine was expecting her own little boy. So I made a custom mobile in just the right colors to match her nursery. Low and behold I threw some pictures up on Etsy. I had just started a store front selling knit cupcake hats. Well, 3 months later I had my first mobile order, not to a friend, a complete stranger!
I decided to make up some new designs and add some colors, and the orders kept rolling in. I now offer a variety of designs, colors, and options, ie lit or non-lit. I am currently participating in my first lantern mobile giveaway and I have several new designs to reveal in the next few months.
All thanks to Max and his first bedroom: This room became my sanctuary, we played and laughed, and he started to grow up.
Well, as many know, my family just moved, and Max got a new room. I had so much fun finding ways to use his old things, and a few new ones. It came time to hang his mobile over the chair and I realized it wasn't as nice as the mobiles I have been making for others. So I remade it. I ordered some new parts and did some tweaking. It looks similar, but is so much better. Max likes it too. We sit in his chair and read our books, and sometimes I look down to see him just staring at the glowing lights.
This new item is now available in my shop.
Thank you Max. I love you!
This week I am celebrating! I am participating in my very first GIVEAWAY! CLick on the link to check it out! The more you enter the better your chances to win your very own Custom Mobile!
A Few Of My Favorite Things Lantern Giveaway!
The experience has been fantastic so far! I never imagined my little lantern mobiles would be so popular!
With Halloween around the corner I have been working on lots of new ideas for next year, and a few for November!
Check back soon!
A Few Of My Favorite Things Lantern Giveaway!
The experience has been fantastic so far! I never imagined my little lantern mobiles would be so popular!
With Halloween around the corner I have been working on lots of new ideas for next year, and a few for November!
Check back soon!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
I just had to share! it's been a busy week!
Finishing up my last costume orders for Halloween, 2011.
Today I finished this little number. I never realized how fun little girl costumes are. I will feature Tinkerbell, also available in a variety of fairy colors, next year along with Little Red Riding Hood. I have a few more ideas, but those will stay a surprise... until next year!

There was a little bit of the regular thrown in this week. Both orders show a new take on some old ideas.
First, I made my signature Lighted Paper Lantern Mobile only in a Mini Size! This turned out so cute, and about 1/3 smaller than the original.
The second order was such a delight. I made 2 matching mobiles for twin birthday parties! The new spin is using large colored center lanterns instead of the standard white. I think this is such fun. I never would have guessed, when I made Max a lantern mobile for his nursery that they would become so popular.
I really have so much fun with these mobiles. You would think doing the same design over and over would get boring. So not true. Every time I get an order it is filled with new hope, love and not to mention color! I get a glimpse of a little ones new environment. Sometimes I am lucky and get sneak peaks at bedding and decor.
I am excited to announce that you can now get my standard Paper Lantern Mobile with a colored center lantern. Check out my shop for all available colors!
Make sure you check back soon for more exciting news, and new designs in November!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Continuing the costume parade!
I can't even express how amazing the last few weeks have been! I have been walking though a Halloween Wonderland. I have fallen down the rabbit hole and don't really want to come out.
After finishing up Corduroy, the Big Bad Wolf, and a small Pumpkin Patch I kept the costumes coming. Last week I was lucky enough to make 3 ghosts, 2 skeletons, the Itsy Bitsy Spider, and 1 Dalmation puppy.
Each story was unique, just like each costume.
The Itsy Bitsy Spider may have been my favorite this week. Itsy Bitsy will be another of my featured costumes next year, also available with a black and white spiderweb tutu skirt! This little spider was paired with his older brother who wanted to be a friendly ghost. How adorable for a 3 year old, and of course he chose his little brothers spider costume.
This is too much fun! 11 Days until Halloween! What are you planning to be?
Check back soon for more tricks and treats!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
It's time to start the Costume Parade!
This month has been very exciting, and it's only the 11th! After moving, getting settled in, and finding time to get back into any kind of rhythm. I now find myself in my new shop, working as fast as I can! So after a brief absence from blogging, I think I am back, with lots of goodies to share!
September 26th I started sewing, and sewing, and sewing... lets fast forward to now. Today is October 11. To date I have made 5 Pumpkin costumes, 1 Corduroy the Bear, and One Big Bad Wolf. I have had the time of my life. I never imagined I would have so many orders last month when I posted my 3 little costumes. To my surprise I have been asked to make cute custom costumes as well as all three of my listed costumes, and the orders keep coming. It looks like I've hit the ball rolling, and so far I haven't fallen off.
Some of the custom requests will be added to my inventory for next year. So far my favorite has been the Big Bad Wolf! I received a request from a woman who's 3 yr old daughter is going to be Little Red Riding Hood and her 6 month old son is the Big Bad Wolf. I think this is the most adorable pairing. Next year I will be featuring this costume along with a Little Red Riding Hood Costume. I just love them!
I have a few more surprises up my sleeves in the next two weeks. As Halloween is fast approaching, many more things are in line to be created!
I hope you check back soon!
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