
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Knitting Max to Sleep

This Christmas is different from every Christmas that has come before. This year I have Max. Max has filled me with such love and imagination I have found myself diving into projects and enjoying them more than I ever could have imagined.

One thing that I love more than anything is Knitting Max to Sleep. Max and I spend all day together and we have found a wondeful rhythm to life. Every three hours or so Max wants to Nap. Well, he gets fussy and I decide it's naptime. I wrap him in his nap blanketI a lovely gift from our friend KJ), give him a pacifier, and we sit down to knit in the nursery. After a few minutes Max settles down and watches my needles work, then before I finish a row he has usually fallen alseep. Sometimes I put him down, sometimes I am content to sit and knit while we rock for an hour. I find this my favorite time of the day. I love nap time and thanks to naptime I have finished all of my Christmas Knitting, and thrown in a few extra projects for fun.

Thank you Max.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

While I'm at it, I can share this!

Shortly after I found out we were having a little boy I started this blanket. It ended up on hold during the last few months of the pregnancy, due to my need to comlpete the nursery. I even took it to the hospital with me to work on while I was being Induced... Nada. I was lucky enough to stay with my Mother-In-Law for 2 weeks over Thanksgiving. I was able to finish 3 projects! I am pretty proud of this one; it's not meant to be perfect. However it is the perfect size for traveling, which we are doing plenty of so far this Winter.

Max's Blanket
Yarn: Stich Nation by Debbie Stoller
Colors: One Skein each of the Following:
2605 Honeycomb
2260 Clementine
2205 Little Lamb
2640 Thyme
2510 Auquamarine
Two Skeins of the Following:
2529 Mediteranian
Needles: Size 9 knitting
Finished Size: 30"x30"
Gauge:16st x 20=4"

Make 5 Squares Stockinette Stich each color: Honeycomb, Clementine, Thyme, Little Lamb, AuquaMarine

CO 16sts
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: Purl
repeat till 20 rows complete or 4" x 4" squares

Whip Stitch Seams together
Color Pattern: Little Lamb, Thyme, Honeycomb, Aquamarine, Clementine.
repeat patter shifting 2 colors each row

Pick up 100 Sts on the sides of blanket with Mediteranian:
Seed Stitch (alternating rows K1,P1/P1,K1) repeat till 20 rows or until you have reached 4"

Pick up 120 Sts on top and bottom of blanket with Mediteranian:
Seed Stitch (alternating rows K1,P1/P1,K1) repeat till 20 rows or until you have reached 4"

This is my first pattern, please let me know if you notic anything wonkie. Thank you!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I just can't resist any longer!

I'm in the middle of finishing my projects for Christmas. Somehow this week my list doubled. I'm just full of ideas this year, it is very refreshing. Well, I've now finished 6 out of 9 presents and the rest are in different states of completeness. But I can't share any of them; because someone who is getting a present might be kind enough to actually read this silly blog. But now I can share this: I have made bags this year, only using one roll of wrapping paper
for Specific Gifts. My grandmother has used bags for presents for as long as I can remember. I think it's a great way to reduce, reuse and recycle. Hooray!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Little loves for Little Hands

I have come to the realization that Max likes to hold things... This is a good thing, he is working on his motor skills. He will grab hold of something and shake it... usually ending when he shakes the thing into his head. Currently his item of choice has been this rattle. He has found he can hold it and shake it to make lots of noise. I like this; it means I can leave him in his pack n play and go about my business cleaning, doing laundry, whatever needs done. However when I'm in the middle of a task inevitably I hear the vicious rattling then an abrupt stop followed by crying... Max has hit himself in the head again...

So I made these: Soft little rattles that he can shake all he wants. Today I was working on a project, I could hear the shaking, followed by nothing. When I went to check on Max he was smashing the soft moster into his cheek, happy as can be.

I had another idea for fingure puppets... so far they are pretty cute!

I'm in Love with this Woman!!!!

My Mother in Law just introduced me to this wonderful book written by theis wonderful woman.

I have started obsesing about knitting homemade toys for Max... Thanks to Miss Liz, who is also a wonderful woman made Max Dino!

On to new Adventures... I am currently working on a few items for Christmas then look out Max, your getting a Giraffe! It will probably be as big as you are now, but your getting one... good thing you can't read yet otherwise there would be no surprise!
Happy Knitting!